DALL%C2%B7E-2024-06-23-13-57-08-A-MANDALA-IN-THE-STYLE-OF-JODO-MANDALA-PURE-LAND-MANDALA-FEATURING-INTRICATE-AND-SYMMETRICAL-PATTERNS-WITH-A-CENTRAL-FIGURE-OF-AMIDA-BUDDHA-SURROUNDDALL·E 2024-06-23 13.57.08 - A mandala in the style of Jodo Mandala (Pure Land Mandala) featuring intricate and symmetrical patterns with a central figure of Amida Buddha surround
DALL·E 2024-06-23 13.57.08 – A mandala in the style of Jodo Mandala (Pure Land Mandala) featuring intricate and symmetrical patterns with a central figure of Amida Buddha surround